53 Exhibits and 29 Exhibitors,
Best in Show - Class 5, Spike, Stem or Truss, Meredith Hocking,
Amorphophallys Riviri Konjac.
Highly Commended:
Class 3, Bowl or Vase of Flowers, Lilac, Cath Dyson.
Class 4, Something of Interest, Clivia, Val Chamberlain.
Class 11, Vegetables and Herbs, Mixed herbs, Carolyn Such.
First Prize:
Exhibit of the Month - Class 1, Roses, Elizabeth White.
Class 2, Pot plant, Scilla Sibrica, Pandy Lane.
Class 6, Natives, Carolyn Such
Class 7A, Floral Art, Open - Springtime, Flo Gason.
Class 7B, Floral Art, Flowers in the Home, Val Chamberlain.
Class 8, Fruit, Mediterranean Navel Oranges, Colin Robertson.
Class 9, Mixed Foliage, Mari Lindsaar.
Class 10, Specimen Bloom, Just Joey Rose, Petra Starkin.
Class 12, Orchids, Native Orchids, Sue Burrows.
Class 6 Natives
Floral Art 7A Open, 7B Flowers in the Home
Class 8, Fruit, Mediterranean Navels
Class 9 Mixed Foliage
Class 12, Orchids, Native Orchids